
Teryl's release

Published on 25/02/2023 by Aura

Teryl is Skyra Project's Tools and Miscellaneous bot, he comes with a lot of utilities to expand the number of things you can do to manage your server. He has also inherited several commands from Skyra, but there are extra changes!

Keep in mind that all bots, Teryl included, will always send errors as a hidden message, using the user's locale. Otherwise, messages will be localised to use the server's locale. Switch the server to Community and change its language if you desire to change it.

  • content
    • This command is now a message context command, to use it, simply right-click or hold a message, then go to "Apps" and finally "Get Message Content".
    • Now also includes interaction data.
  • create-emoji
    • Now supports input files.
    • Now supports custom names.
    • Now supports built-in emojis.
  • color
    • This will not longer create an image with several colours, however, it will show an embed displaying the colour, the name, and the values in various formats.
  • poll
    • Now accepts a title option.
    • The number of options lowered from 20 to 5, we may increase it to 10 if Discord implements multi-value options.
  • reminders
    • Added search for reminders by ID or content.
    • Added an option to create public and multi-user reminders.
    • Added an option to reschedule reminders.
    • Added an option to change a reminder's contents.
    • Reminders are now sent inside an embed, allowing masked links such as [Skyra](https://skyra.pw).
  • dictionary
    • Now displays only one definition, we will look into adding more definitions in the future.
    • Now hides profane words automatically.
  • price
    • Improved currency display.
  • reddit
    • Now caches hits for 5 minutes, and subsequent calls on the same subreddit will now be much faster.
    • Now handles errors caused by subreddits that are gated.
    • Now handles errors caused by subreddits that are unavailable for legal reasons.
    • Now shows the reason why a subreddit is quarantined or gated.
    • Improved subreddit name filter.
  • weather
    • Now selects the system option automatically as based on the user's preferred Discord language.
    • Now handles unknown locations.
    • The --kelvin flag has been changed to system: SI.
  • wikipedia
    • Added search auto-complete.
    • Added support for case-insensitive searches.
    • Added support for interwiki links (lang:-prefixed input to search in other languages).
  • youtube
    • Added support for search result order (Date, Rating, Relevance, Title, Video Count, and View Count).
    • Added support for search result type filtering (Channel, Playlist, Video)
    • The response now uses a select menu rather than a full pagination system and is no longer time-gated.
  • tag
    • Added search for tags by name or alias.
    • Added support for renaming tags.
    • Handle character limits correctly, increased to 2000 for plain and 2048 for embed.
    • Handled an error when source would try to display too many characters.
    • Added a maximum limit for how many tags and aliases can be added. They can be increased by supporting our project on Patreon.
  • twitch followage
    • Added date and time since the follow.
    • Switched from plain duration to Discord's built-in time syntax.
    • Fixed edge case where the user and the channel would be swapped.

We also added the following commands:

  • convert
    • Converts units.
  • unicode
    • Check the unicode data for each character.
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